A single space...
This isn't really a project in the traditional sense! There's no client, and no one's going to pay me for it! I suppose you could just call it obsessive photographic behavior! It's certainly not great art, and there's no ambition for it to become that in any sense. It's just a sort of a visual record of a changing space that I pass through every day. 

Because I always have my camera with me, a few years ago I decided to start documenting it whenever I could. It's just a simple ordinary space, but sometimes in the simple ordinary spaces of the world, we can sometimes find small extraordinary moments. Like I said, this isn't great art, it's just the view from my car when the engine turns off.

So here are just a few of the many photographs I've taken while getting in and out of that car over the years. I hope you enjoy them for what they are, nice images of a simple changing space. 

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