Yo, wanted to be a fireman,
Than I lost the desire man,
The second I got old enough,
To buy myself a cider can,
Yeah, I was a smart little kid,
That side's departed me since,
These days you can catch me,
Sitting on the bench in the park with a lager and crisps...
--- Rizzle Kicks...
20 minutes later...
Winston Churchill had a black dog. 
his name was written on it.
It followed him around from town to town. 
It’d bring him down. 
took him for a good long ride. 
took him for a good look around. 

--- Reg Mombassa: Black dog  
From 'Black Dog' as a metaphor for depression: A brief history by Paul Floey
        I Screem..."
        The world is silent....
When I was a child,
I talked like a child,
I thought like a child,
I reasoned like a child.
When I became a man,
I put the ways of childhood behind me...
---- Corinthians 13
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot, stamping on a human face - for ever.” 
--- George Orwell, 1984
        I just feel empty...."
"O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world
That has such people in't!" --- Shakespear
"O brave new world that has such people in it." --- Aldous Huxley.
"I was in the path of the tornado... I just didn't expect the storm would last as long as it has." --- The Shawshak redemption --- Steven King
"The Crowd Fear Diaries" -
This is sort of trailer for a short film I'm working on about isolation called "The Crowd Fear Diaries" which is part of a lager project called "Black Dog". The film is something I've been messing around with for a long time, but I'd like to actually get it finished and on the web by October 2016.
At the moment I'm doing everything myself, but that's not in any way by choice. Also the video isn't actually excerpts from the film, it's just clips I've cobbled together to illustrate the feel that I'm after for the idea of a man loosing his grip on reality. It's taken from personal experience of being bipolar, and having suffered from agoraphobia, and a fear of crowded places like supermarket [and the checkout is supposed to exactly the metaphor if appears to be].
The film follows the main character through a series of videos he posts on social media about his life, his fears, and conversation he has with both the Samaritans, and other residents as he becomes more and more paranoid, and increasingly isolated from the world following the death of his long term girlfriend from a drugs overdose.
At the moment it's all just me, but I'm looking for help on this, so if anyone want's to be a part of it I'm totally open to collaborators on this project. The end goal is to have a finished 15 to 20 minute film up on a social media platform by October 10th, which is national mental health awareness day...
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